Copyright Rafting
This year's Dokudoc Talks will be held on a raft on the Drava River. In the intimate atmosphere of river waves, we will discuss copyright in the field of documentary film. This year, our guests will be lawyer Špela Grčar and the head of professional services at AIPA k.o.Peter Kep, while Petra Seliškar and Rok Biček will moderate the discussion. A descent down the Drava was already part of our festival in 2012, and now, ten years later, it is time to do it again. Refreshments with a veggie lunch will be offered during the sailing from Koblar Bay to the port of Lent, while Daniel Marinič will delight us with an accordion. Not even the Drava’s swans, which are an integral part of Maribor's charm, will be missing. (Foto: Sami Rahim, 2012)
September 18, 2022, 13:00-15:00 on the raft on the Drava
If you already know how to get to Koblarjev zaliv, we'll meet there on Sunday, September 18, at 1:00 p.m. Otherwise, we will meet at 12:30 in front of the Court Tower and walk together along the Drava embankment to Koblarjev zaliv, where we will board and start the Dokudoc talks. We will end our gathering around 15:00, when we disembark at Lent, which was also once a large port for rafts.
The number of guests on the raft is limited. You can sign up for DOKUDOC Talk via the application below.